Ireland Bank has partnered with Check Printing Solutions as our preferred check supplier.
Please note first time check orders through this vendor will require branch assistance to safeguard the security of your account, so please give us a call to get you started.
Thereafter, this partnership allows you to order your checks from the convenience of your own home or office 24 hours a day. By clicking Reorder Checks, you can browse Check Printing Solutions personal and business products (including prices), order checks and accessories, or track an order status. Please review our list of Frequently Asked Questions below and contact your local branch should you have any questions.
Q: What are the benefits of ordering checks from Ireland Bank’s preferred check supplier, Check Printing Solutions?
The advantages include:
- Over 150 personal check designs
- 125 wallet checks (120 duplicates) with 20 deposit slips per order in preassembled, reusable box
- All orders receive a new check register
- Free black vinyl cover with every order (optional)
- Email confirmation of check order with trackable delivery
- Security of ordering checks from Ireland Bank’s endorsed check printer.
- A guarantee that your checks will be printed accurately.
- Tamper-resistant checks that contain important security features to help fight against check fraud, protecting your checks from alteration and counterfeiting.
- Safe, secure check ordering.
Q: Can I order my checks for my new account through you directly?
New account checks can only be ordered through Ireland Bank to safeguard the security of your account. You may place reorders conveniently by clicking “Reorder Checks” link above.
Q: How do I change the address on my checks?
Please contact Ireland Bank to have your checks reordered with a different address printed on them, for the security of your account.
Q: How can I change my check design or the style of my checks?
If you would like to change your check design or style, you have the opportunity to select between a number of check designs and several different binding styles online. Binding styles include: wallet single checks, end-stub checks, top stub checks, and carbonless copy (duplicate) checks. PLEASE NOTE: Discount program customers (those with Legacy and/or Elite Checking accounts) will need to contact your local branch to make changes.
Q: Can I determine the price of my checks?
Yes. To determine the price of your checks, click on “Reorder Checks”, enter your routing and account numbers, and click on the “Log In” button. By selecting “Reorder Checks” you will be shown pricing for a maximum of 4 boxes in your current check style. You may also see the price of your selected delivery method. Prices shown may not include tax.
Q: Are there any discount programs available?
Yes. Ireland Bank offers discounts for our Legacy and Elite Checking accounts. For more information about these accounts please contact your local branch.
Q: How do I track the status of my order?
With any check order make sure you enter your e-mail and you will receive an order confirmation and a shipping confirmation. This will also allow you to track your order. Multiple emails can be entered by putting a comma in between them.
Q: Why can’t my check numbering go higher than 9999?
Due to the space available in the MICR line (the magnetic numbers on the bottom of your check) if your order exceeds four digits the number will be reset with 1001.
Q: Why can’t I change my starting number to a number lower than my previous order?
Due to restrictions placed by financial institutions, we are unable to change your number to a number lower than your current check order through Check Printing Solutions. However, you can change your starting number to a higher number. Please Contact Us if you need assistance.