Financial Security

Personal Credit Cards

What you should know about gift cards

So you can enjoy giving and receiving Gift cards can be a convenient present for the holidays and special occasions. While they seem simple, it is important that both the giver and the recipient read the details for each card to avoid any misunderstandings, and there might be additional policies set by the merchant or bank issuing […]

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Businesswoman pointing at laptop with security password on screen.

Safeguarding Against a Cyberattack

As fraudsters evolve their techniques to find new ways to prey on consumers and small businesses, community banks like Ireland Bank have continued to serve as our customer’s first line of defense by following industry standards and procedures to protect electronic systems, data applications, and networks from interference. Our staff also undergoes routine cybersecurity training

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Identity Theft Banner

What is Identity Theft?

Identity theft occurs when someone steals your personal or financial information to commit fraud or other crimes. They may gain unauthorized access to your Social Security number, credit or debit cards, passport, checks, driver’s license, or other sensitive information. Watch for these signs of identity theft: If you think you are a victim of identity

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